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科技促进经济 汇集无限商机

(古晋-1215日讯)我国政府即将在2020年全面发展数码经济,私人领域也与时并进,提高数码发展意识,同时配合政府的数码宏愿,举办“2019年东盟数码经济峰会”(ASEAN DIGITAL ECONOMIC SUMMIT 2019)

东盟数码经济峰会是由澳交所全球(Auxsto.Com) 、无极限俱乐部(Infinite Club)、国际企业家俱乐部(IEC)、绿色再也(HijauJaya以及首发股顾问公司(A consultant company that helping and planning an IPO )PIF Capital Platinum Partner联合举办。

这场峰会吸引超过300名来自东盟成员国的企业家和科技精英出席,目的是向东盟和大马年轻人宣导“科技企业家精神”(TECHNOPRENEURSHIP ),鼓励掌握科技知识、具有创意及创新思维、有活力和积极的年轻人踊跃提出对数码经济的独特看法。


绿色再也创办人郑雄友(founder of HijauJaya MR.Nik Tree)指出,财政部数据显示,大马的数码经济在20102016年间,每年平均成长9%,突显数码经济的未来潜力。


他认为,全世界企业家都聚焦大中华地区(greater china region),却忽略了东盟(asean)6亿人口的经济蛋糕,本地企业家应该创新求突破,善用科技科技促进经济发展。

郑雄友说,政府2020年财政预算案宣布长达5年的国家光纤化与连接计划( NFCP),打造数码经济所需要的基础设施,让全国内陆地区,包括沙巴和砂拉越内陆地区能达到广泛、高素质的高速网络覆盖,涉及的投资额216亿令吉。



大会也很荣幸邀请到环球健身与休闲(UFL)执行总监兼人民健身组织主席拿督马力诺(Dato Malek Noor, Pengarah Eksekutif Universal Fitness and Leisure (UFL) )出席大会,澳洲Wyong Shire前市长Douglas Eaton (FORMER Wyong Mayor Doug Eaton )和无极限俱乐部创办人Nicholas Siew(founder of Infinite club)也受邀上台分享。

Tarikh : 15th Disember 2019 (AHAD)

Masa : 6.20 malam

Tempat : BCCK Hall 13 & 14 (Borneo Convention Centre Kuching)

Press Release

ASEAN Digital Economy Summit 2019

Improving The Economy Through Technology

(Kuching, December 15) The Government of Malaysia is aiming to develop a full-fledged digital economy in 2020. The private sector is also following suit, raising awareness of the potential of digital development. The joined effort of the government and the private sector resulted in this grand event, the ASEAN Digital Economy Summit 2019.

The ASEAN Digital Economy Summit 2019 is jointly organised by, Infinitex Club, International Entrepreneur Club (IEC), HijauJaya, and PIF Capital Platinum Partner, an IPO advisory company.

This summit caught the eyes of over 300 entrepreneurs and scientific and technological elites from various ASEAN countries. The purpose of this summit is to promote technopreneurship to youths in ASEAN and Malaysia. It is also to encourage youths who possess knowledge in science and technology, that are creative and innovative, and are also enthusiastic and optimistic, to present their unique views on the digital economy.

With the advancement of science and technology, investments are no longer limited to select industries and industrial activities. The ASEAN Digital Economy Summit 2019 will focus on ways that technology can be used to solve age-old investment issues, and how investing in blockchain technology can grow the digital economy.

The founder of HijauJaya, Mr. Nik Tree, pointed out that the data released by the Ministry of Finance showed that the digital economy of Malaysia grew by an average of 9% annually from 2010 to 2016, highlighting its immense potential.

The rise of e-commerce in recent years is the best example. Its share of the GDP rose from 5.9% (RM68.3 billion) in 2015 to 6.1% (RM74.6 billion). Furthermore, other digital economy projects such as blockchain technology, video games, esports, animation, and electronic arts are still yet to fully mature. With ample room for further development, the sky’s the limit.”

He also believes that entrepreneurs around the world are experiencing tunnel vision, focusing on only Greater China, and ignoring the larger portion of the cake that is the 600 million people in ASEAN countries. Local entrepreneurs should see it as a motivation and leverage on our resources of advanced science and technology to innovate and make breakthroughs that will promote economic development.

During the unveiling of Malaysia’s Budget 2020, the government announced a five-year National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) that will provide the infrastructure needed for the improvement of Malaysia’s digital economy. Everywhere in Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak will have the luxury of an extensive and high-quality, high-speed network coverage, which requires an amount of up to RM21.6 billion to achieve.

As a result, entrepreneurs in Sabah and Sarawak confidently invest their time into developing the digital economy, as they do not need to worry about falling behind.”

I also hope that the ASEAN Digital Economy Summit can inspire the youths in ASEAN and Malaysia. In the near future, we will be setting up training programs to nurture micro-digital entrepreneurs and tech professionals, as these are the groups of people that will help in the growth of the digital market and various social media platforms.”

The summit is honoured to have Dato Malek Noor, the Executive Director of Universal Fitness and Leisure (UFL) and Chairperson of Gym Rakyat for the opening ceremony. Former Wyong Mayor Doug Eaton and Nicholas Siew, the founder of Infinites Club, are also invited to give a speech.

Event Details:

Date: 15 December 2019 (Sunday)

Time: 6.20pm

Venue: BCCK Hall 13 & 14, Borneo Convention Centre Kuching


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